2021 Workshare Agreement
Because workshares are so important to meeting the goals of the farm, participants must sign an agreement that they will be available across the season to fulfill their obligation. The consequence of breaking the workshare agreement (missing a scheduled work day twice without calling in) is that your workshare will be given to someone else. Please review the Workshare Agreement below and contact Margie if you are interested in signing up.
The objective of this Agreement is to clearly define the basic expectations and requirements for participating in our Workshare program. It is written in language that is frank and straightforward but please don’t feel intimidated. Crescent Farm makes every effort to create a work environment that is pleasant, friendly and respectful. This is a good place to come “play” in the dirt, be with good people, and do good things for yourself and our community.
Please read our list of expectations carefully.
A Workshare is someone who commits to working on our farm on a weekly basis throughout the season in exchange for a half the cost of a CSA membership. Workshares play an essential role in our day-to-day farm operation. In return, we hope to provide our helpers with a uniquely gratifying experience.
We have a set number of Workshare positions available. In the event that more applications are received than needed, candidates will be chosen based on the following criteria:
• Overall commitment to Crescent Farm (including prior work or volunteer experience).
• Reliability and availability to help at the farm on a regular, weekly basis.
• Overall physical ability and work ethic.
• Compatibility with the farm’s work schedule.
Crescent Farm agrees to provide its Workshares with a full season of produce as described in our 2015 CSA Sign-up Form at half the market price. We also hope to reward our farm helpers with “extra” produce, as it is available throughout the season, especially for those who go above and beyond the conditions of this agreement.
Workshares are expected to develop some skill and speed at various jobs over the course of a season.
They will participate in a variety of tasks, including, but not limited to: Weeding, hoeing, thinning crops, planting, harvesting, washing produce, packaging produce, assembling shares, cleaning, etc.
Workers must be able to perform physical labor for up to 4-hour periods of time (lifting, bending, kneeling, sitting, squatting, standing, carrying, pulling, etc.). We cannot negotiate this basic requirement. You must be able to work at this level to participate in our workshare program.
The standard of trade for a share of produce is 4 hours of labor per week throughout the farm season (around the end of April through November), plus 1 pre-season meeting prior to May 1.
If you miss work for any reason, the hours need to be made up. This can be done by putting in the time on a different day or staying longer on other shifts. Please coordinate such arrangements with as much advance notice as possible. You may also work extra hours in advance of taking time off; this needs to be discussed and approved beforehand.
Substitute workers: Please don’t presume it will be OK to bring others to work with you or send someone to work in your place to fulfill your hourly commitment. Such arrangements need to be cleared with us ahead of time. We will not consider any stand-in workers if they are unable to work as described in this workshare contract. You may bring “volunteers” to help at the farm, but again, please let us know ahead of time.
Please be on time!
We try with great effort to schedule our projects so workers can leave “on time”; however, there will be times when we all need to stay just a little extra to get a job done. Watching the clock down to the exact minute or keeping track of every minute you work extra (towards taking the time off later) is generally frowned upon.
Work Schedule: our regular work and harvest days will be Tuesday, and Friday. There will be times we ask for volunteers to switch from a regular workday to come help later in the week for various projects, but these occasions will not be consistent, predictable or routine.
Workshare shifts are typically scheduled in the morning.
Not picking up your CSA share on a given week does not excuse you from putting in the required time at the farm.
There will be days when the weather is less than desirable. Your help, dedication, work ethic, and flexibility are essential to us at these times! Please be dressed and prepared to work, regardless of the weather. In the event of extreme weather, we may need to reschedule our labors to another time or day.
Bring your own drinking water, snack, gloves, hat, sunscreen, proper shoes, and outer clothing.
Strive to do excellent work while saying focused and efficient with your time. Take pride in your work. If you are done with a task, ask what can be done next.
Work will be performed at Crescent Farm in Clinton.
Children under the age of 10 are not permitted to come to the farm with a workshare while he/she is working. Older children may volunteer at the farm; however, their time spent helping will not be counted towards the adult workshare’s hourly requirement. This may be adjusted on an individual basis. (All children are welcome and encouraged to visit Crescent Farm as long as they have a responsible person watching over them at all times.)